Privacy Policy
SUPPORT2020-12-30T17:43:38+00:00This web site is the responsibility of Wells Electronics Ltd. The company can be contacted through the following mediums.
Phone: + 44(0)333 006 4326
Email : info/at/
The following policies apply all web sites owned and operated by Wells Electronics Ltd
1. Collection of Personal Information from Site Visitors;
In order to access certain services or make purchases within any of our web sites, we may require that you provide certain information. This information may include your legal name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, screen name, password used to access our services, method of payment, and, where applicable, credit card number. Where applicable, These information will be used to process your orders or to deliver your service and to contact you if there are any problems e.g. payment clearance, unavailable stock etc. We reserve the right to request any additional information necessary to establish and maintain your account for use of these services.
Wells Electronics Ltd automatically collects and/or tracks;
1.1. The home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of client computer, and type of web browser of visitors to our web site,
1.2. The e-mail addresses of visitors that communicate with us via e-mail, post messages to our bulletin boards.
1.3. Information knowingly provided by the visitor in sales orders, registration forms, surveys, and contest entries.
1.4. Aggregate or specific information on what pages visitors access.
Some of our web pages use a technology called “cookies” so that we can better serve visitors when they purchase a product, request a services on our web site, or request additional information about our company, products or services, or participate in various activities posted on our site. These cookies may be used to obtain data such as the visitors name, user-name, shopping cart, and pages or advertisements viewed by the visitor. When the visitor revisits the company’s web site, we can recognize the visitor by the Internet cookie and customize the visitors experience accordingly. Although cookies are stored on the visitors hard drive and not stored, in any form, by us, the visitor can set his or her browser to provide notice whenever a cookie is received, which gives the visitor the opportunity to decide whether to accept it or not.
Some of our web site pages may have software installed within their page which provides us with information about the “click stream” of our customers during their visit to our websites. This software indicates which pages the visitors came from, what navigational paths they took, and which areas of the site they visited.
Certain email communications you may receive from us, if you sign up for our email distribution service, may contain “Web beacons”. Web beacons consist of a line of code on our site that delivers a small graphic image from another Web site or third party ad server. They may not be visible as the beacon is generally a 1×1 pixel that is often designed to blend into the background of a Web page. We may use beacons to monitor the effectiveness of ad banners in our email distributions.
2. Use of Personal Data Collected
Personal data collected by us will be used for marketing and promotional purposes, feedback purposes, for a statistical analysis of users behaviour, for product and services development or enhancement, for content improvement, and to customize content and layout of our site. Names, postal and e-mail addresses, and phone numbers collected may be added to our databases and used for future contact regarding new products and services, upcoming events, status of orders placed online, and other customer services issues.
3. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties
We maintain a secured area on our site for transmission of personal data, and store all personal data in a private database which is not connected to the Internet. Although we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of the personal data you provide to us, transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure.
We will have no liability for disclosure of such data due to errors in transmission or interception by unauthorized acts of third parties.
We may, from time to time, make certain contact information about our customers available to third parties; We may disclose information to vendors who facilitate and/or support our customer transactions; we may disclose information to entities to whom we are legally required to disclose information; and/or we may disclose information to third parties with whom we have relationships through which permission-based marketing is conducted.
Any third party with whom we have a relationship pursuant to which we provide, rent, sell or otherwise disclose data collected from visitors to our site will be carefully pre-screened, determined by us to be reputable, and will use the data provided solely for marketing products and services which we determine, in our sole judgment, that visitors to our site might find of interest.
4. Opt-Out Rights
Visitors may opt out of having their personal information disclosed to third parties (excluding any mandatory disclosure to government agencies and/or certain vendors who facilitate and/or support our customer transactions), or used by us or third parties to send promotional materials to the visitor, by contacting us by e-mail or by checking the appropriate box on the online form.
5. Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Data
Upon request by e-mail or by mail, we will provide to visitors a summary of any personal information retained by us regarding the visitor. Visitors may modify, correct, or update their personal record or cause their personal record to be removed from our database. Company will only send personal records to the e-mail address on file for the visitor name associated with it.
6. Company’s Right to Contact Visitors
We reserve the right to contact site visitors regarding their account status and changes to any subscriber agreement, privacy policy, or any other policies or agreements relevant to site visitors.
7. Company’s Right to Change Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by notifying visitors of the existence and location of the new or revised privacy policy